Source code for wcraas_control.wcraas_control

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""The WCraaS Control module is responsible for the orchestration of tasks in the platform."""

import asyncio
import logging
import traceback
import aio_pika

from collections import deque
from enum import unique, IntEnum

from aio_pika.patterns import RPC
from aioredis import create_redis_pool

from wcraas_common import AMQPConfig, WcraasWorker
from wcraas_control.config import RedisConfig

__all__ = ("RedisLockState", "ControlWorker")

[docs]@unique class RedisLockState(IntEnum): FREE = 0 LOCK = 1 DONE = 2 FAIL = 3
[docs]class ControlWorker(WcraasWorker): """ Control Worker for the WCraaS platfrom, responsible for the orchestration of tasks. >>> from wcraas_control.config import Config >>> cn = ControlWorker(*Config.fromenv()) """ def __init__( self, amqp: AMQPConfig, redis: RedisConfig, interval: int, loglevel: int, *args, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(amqp, loglevel) self.redis = redis self.poll_interval = interval self.logger = logging.getLogger("wcraas.control") self.logger.setLevel(loglevel)
[docs] async def crawl(self, url: str): """ Given URL orchestrate crawling of the target. :param url: Entrypoint URL for crawling the target. :type url: string """ redis_pool = await create_redis_pool(self.redis) urls = deque((url,)) async with self._amqp_pool.acquire() as channel: # type: aio_pika.Channel rpc = await RPC.create(channel) while True: # If there are no URLs left to crawl exit. if not urls: break _url = urls.pop()"Processing {_url} ...") # Acquire lock for the URL await redis_pool.set(_url, RedisLockState.LOCK.value) # Delegate discovery through RPC try: resp = await"RPC for {_url} completed successfully!") self.logger.debug(f"RPC response for {_url}:") self.logger.debug(resp) except Exception as err: self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.logger.error(err) await redis_pool.set(_url, RedisLockState.FAIL.value) continue await redis_pool.set(_url, RedisLockState.DONE.value) # For all inbound URLs (== same protocol, host, port) check if the URL # exists in redis & is not FREE; if so skip it otherwise add it to the # deque of URLs to crawl. for inbound_url in resp["data"]["inbound"]:"Checking {inbound_url} against cache ...") if await redis_pool.get(inbound_url):"Skipping {inbound_url} due to cache hit!") continue urls.append(inbound_url)"Adding {inbound_url} due to cache miss!") await asyncio.sleep(self.poll_interval)
[docs] async def start(self): pass
[docs] async def list_collections(self): """ List the collections available at the storage node. """ async with self._amqp_pool.acquire() as channel: rpc = await RPC.create(channel) resp = await rpc.proxy.list_collections() return resp
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(amqp={self.amqp}, redis={self.redis}, interval={self.poll_interval}, loglevel={self.loglevel})"